From: "Simmont, Matthew" <>
Subject: Finksburg Corridor Conservation Plan meeting notice
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004
Residents of the Finksburg area and interested parties,
The Carroll County Planning Commission will hold a work session to continue
discussion on the Mount Airy Environs Community Comprehensive Plan and the
Finksburg Corridor Conservation Plan on the evening of Monday, November 8th
at 7 p.m. in Room 003 of the Carroll County Office Building. As this is a
work session for the Planning Commission, the Commission does not anticipate
providing opportunity for public comment to be given. However, it will be
an open meeting, which means that any members of the public are welcome to
come and sit in on the meeting to hear the discussion. Updated information
on the plans may be found at:
Additional opportunity for public comment will be provided during the 60-day
review period that follows the completion of the revised draft. A community
workshop will be held in your community during that 60-day period as well.
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing after the completion of
the 60-day review period, at which additional public comment will be
officially accepted. The dates and times of these meetings will be printed
in the paper, and posted on the County web page at
If you have any questions, you may reply to this email or call 410-386-2145.
Matthew Simmont
Planning Manager
Comprehensive Planning Division
Carroll County Government
225 North Center Street
Westminster, MD 21157
(410) 386-2145
From: "Simmont, Matthew" <>
Although no motions were passed last night, Planning Commission consensus directed
that staff no longer continue consideration of the Employment Campus land use
for this plan. Also, staff has been directed to continue the process of considering
land use designation changes for the entire 4th election district being sure
to clearly inform property owners with potential changes and to request feedback.
We will move forward with these directives as we continue to prepare a draft
of the plan.
That's the quick response, feel free to call me if you would like to discuss
it further.